I'm Very Unhappy About U.S. Evangelical attitudes About Trump.

I go to an extremely liberal law school and have yet to find a single person who views my lesser-of-two-evil vote for Trump a stumbling block to believing Christianity. They know that things are often much more nuanced than that. Also, they all know I’m a Bible-believing Christian.

You are definitely reading into Psalm 1 what isn’t there. That chapter is saying that the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked is blessed. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not walking in the evil’s counsel. I vote for non-Christians, but I walk in the Lord’s counsel. Totally different.

Show me actual biblical support that effectively condemns voting for someone who is against murdering babies in the womb when the other candidate champions said murder, condemns voting for a candidate who protects Christian freedoms when the other couldn’t care less about Christianity, etc. Until you have a plausible argument based on scripture, respectfully, your words are empty.

In fact, I see scripture indicating the opposite of what you’re saying. In Romans, Paul states that government is supposed to be an instrument for the common good and bears the sword as a tool of God’s wrath. Voting in a candidate whose government better exercises these God-given roles seems perfectly in line with scripture. I’m willing to be convinced otherwise if you can show biblical support.

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