I'm a waitress at a restaurant in a country club, we had a change of management and I got in a heated argument with my supervisor when he went off at me for loosening my corset while I was on my break. I just got sent this and found that my hours have been cut in half. Is there anything I can do?

How I would reply, “You will find that my two middle fingers will be posted in the air. Your recent behavior has been the for this action. I will not be engaging in any arguments because you’re a dipsh** who can go f*** themselves. Rules are rules. You will find my corset is fully laced up on the floor and you can shove it up your a. While it’s inserted, do not loosen the laces and do not unbutton anything. You are NOT allowed to remove it from your a. If it is so far up your a** that you feel lightheaded you can sit for a few minutes, but the corset must stay inserted up your a. Further disciplinary action will be taken because my attitude is great, you dumb f*!”

/r/antiwork Thread Link - i.imgur.com