I'm ZDoggMD, Stanford doctor turned rapper and host of Incident Report, the most popular live medical show on the internets, AMA!

Hey ZDogg!

How do you deal with toxic classmates in medical school?

I’m finishing up first year and love it so far. However there’s some nastiness among my classmates. Some bluntly correct me or just tell me I’m wrong. Increasingly it’s been dissing others or saying they don’t deserve to be here over lower test scores. Recently I had classmates tell me that my specialty interest (emergency medicine) would be too hard for me to do especially if I wanted to match somewhere near my spouse. I also worked in EMS for a few years have classmates tell me what I did and went through was not important.

I could go on, but overall I feel like I'm not on a team anymore. It's disappointing.

/r/IAmA Thread