[Image] Why does Sony even bother having that refund option when this is the response you'll always get?

I’ve successfully gotten a refund, once. They made it easy because it was a system issue and gave me no issue. I had ore ordered Far Cry 5 Gold Edition (or whatever was $100). When it came out, I was given the standard game + the season pass and because of that, I was missing out on a few cosmetics. Nothing crazy, but I wanted them, so I contacted them and they explain it was a bug, they see what happened a fixed it, by refunded me the full amount and allowing me to purchase the proper version - same price.

A couple of months later, I get automatically charged for renewing my PlayStation Now, I never signed up directly with them, I was given a year voucher as a gift. Same day, I contacted and explained to them and I was told this can not be refunded because when I signed up, I allowed for auto renewal, again I explain that I didn’t sign up through their system or my wallet, but as a gift card. They said because I didn’t use the service for months, normally they could fix it, but since I refunded Far Cry 5, I was ineligible. Spoke to a few supervisors and got the same answer from them all.

/r/PS4 Thread Link - i.redd.it