[Image] Rumor: Dark Souls Remastered for PS4

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. Overall I am a lurker, didn't have a profile for the first couple of years here then throwaway etc but it really is disheartening seeing the mentality shift to the side of what I can't help consider "The chumps." They are the issue, the Chumps want "remaster "after "remaster," they dont mind shark cards and will purchase red dead redemptio/battlefront 2 without hesitation, hell they even comment repeatedly that Xbox one needs more exclusives ....Jesus fucking Christ it is like these assholes forgot windows owns Xbox and I've been a PlayStation man since I scraped together birthday and Christmas money years ago.

I Hate the chump mentality because it actively makes my experience as a gamer worse by bringing everything down. I have DS3 on PlayStation 3. Bought my PS3 for like $120 almost 7 years ago. Got dark souls 1 & 2 games on ps and xb (found good sales and bought them for xbox). But the Chumps are just drooling for this bullshit it is sickening.

/r/PS4 Thread Parent Link - pbs.twimg.com