Imaging sucking a bank's dick.

Me: but i dont have any food in my fridge bank account: just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me: i would but that would require actually having food in the fridge though bank account:just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me: hey look dont u think ur being unreasonable here? bank account: just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me: ummm okay man can we just calm down here for a sec pls? bank account: just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me: hey what are you doing to fridge? bank account: just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me: please stop dismantling my fridge bank account: just eat the food that are already in ur fridge Me NO! I CANT! STOP FORCING ME TO EAT THE PARTS OF THIS FRIDGE! bank account: just eat ur fridge

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