Imma soooo in trouble

MSG being “bad” for you is an old wives tale. It’s a long read, but I recommend this article below.

MSG is commonly and naturally found in a lot of foods even if not purposely added. Very (very) rarely does someone have “sensitivities” to MSG. What is likely happening is psychosomatic/nocebo effect similar to people who think they’re gluten intolerant or sensitive. Chances are good that it’s completely BS.

Monosodium Glutamate = MSG. Monosodium is a single salt particle. Glutamate is one of the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitters in brain, playing a crucial role in memory and learning.

“The FDA estimates that the average adult consumes 13 grams of it a day from the protein in food. Non-meat food sources like tomatoes and Parmesan cheese have high levels of glutamic acid.”

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