Immodesty and Bad Dads - Maccabee Society

No this is all wrong.

The father, mother, and daughter are all equal culprits. Everything is connected.

Why should the daughter be modest when the Dad and Mother are playing a game of sums. When you work for the enemy, throw your pearls to them, teach them everything you know, allow them to abuse scripture, and plenty more. When you consider "Secular" society to be the best and all of everything , what's Catholicism good for? Nothing. As the Apostate Benedict XVI of the Vatican II sect says in Co-Workers of the Truth, "What's the point in being Christian? When they're are so many other ways to salvation".

What is there for her to protect when you're destroying everything? She probably thinks it's the right thing. Unholy just like her parents!

It's like a couch potato telling Ronaldo, "I'm faster and stronger than you". Sit down son! The secular powers and all their lackeys manifest into a beast of unimaginable scale. All the encyclicals and letters written by Pre-Vatican II Popes stood no chance. The beast is larger than Catholicism, it devours the entire world at this point.

The only defense against Modernism is unwavering piety, discipline unheard of, total and complete control of the tongue and belly, holy in everything, there mustn't even be a rumor of impiety. Totally orthodox in everything. You must be as hard as a stone in all things holy, and as disciplined as all the disciples put together. Cunning as a snake and continuously learning. You must be in continuous emulation of the Father in heaven.

Otherwise, the brood of vipers always looking for any skin through the armor won't hesitate to bite down and take advantage of you, and they'll overtake you and do whatever they want.

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