The importance of THAT scene

Perfectly said. I hope the commenter reads and re reads your post.

As a straight white dude who grew up in the upper middle class, the toughest hurdle for while folks to get over in discussion of privelage is the one you are describing right here. It is honestly embarrassing how difficult a time I have explaining this to others. At the risk of coming off “woke”, the only way for a straight white person to be a true ally to POC is to take it upon ourselves to explain what you just did to other white people. It’s not enough to just know we are privileged. It is the responsibility of the privileged to teach other privileged what is happening and to call out other privileged people when they don’t realize it.

I got off track rambling but I just wanted to say thank you for your comment. I have saved it and will refer back to it many times in the future when trying to get this point across to others. I also have to check myself on my own privilege all the damned time and reading your comment will help with that too.

A POC should not HAVE to explain privilege to white people. Thank you.

/r/survivor Thread Parent