Why it is Important to Buy Made in the USA

I didn't respond to your original post because I disagree with the sentiment. I sincerely appreciate being able to buy goods made in the United States of America.

I don't appreciate companies that make something here and do a shitty job of it, whether it be in design or quality of material.

I also don't appreciate companies that only construct the final product here but source everything they can from abroad. If a company does this, but makes note of it when they're selling it to me, it does hold some value to me as a consumer.

When a company hides the fact that they only put in the bare minimum to say "Made in the U.S.A.", I think it's dishonest, and it makes me want to find alternatives.

A ton of folks here have no experience and just voice their condescending and uninformed opinions. I think you just summarized my reactions to you better than I could have. Thank you.

Your initial lack of effort is insulting to everyone here. You are taking ownership of this piece because you have actually attached your brand to it. If you feel so strongly about the issue to put the full text on black sheep warrior and then link to that blog post on Reddit and elsewhere, like Facebook, you have lost the ability to passively claim, "This is important to me, but I'm not willing to backup my beliefs." No one should ever say that about something they care about, but to garner respect and credibility, it's not unreasonable to engage someone when there is merit in their questioning you, whether they be skeptics or outsiders.

Suppose I posted the link for this piece on your blog. I doubt anyone would take issue if I said, "Hey guys, I saw a thing on buying American and I'm posting it because I think it's relevant food for thought." Why? It's not mine. It's not linking to my blog. And no, saying,

This article was previously posted both here and on RE Factor Tactical’s Blog back in 2013. You can read the original article on their blog. doesn't suddenly absolve you of the ownership you're supposedly trying to discard when the brand that wrote it is plastered all over your site.

Lastly, when you expect only publicly credentialed MIL/LEO to attempt to engage you in discourse, discussion, or conversation, don't come to Reddit. You probably want to require official government emails to sign up for or to view your blog too.

/r/tacticalgear Thread Parent Link - blacksheepwarrior.com