Improving the Ladder, Competitive Heroes.

Long ranty post about my current ladder experience incomming, sorry for that. TL;DR at the bottom.

I have been around the diamond 1-2 rank every season, with the exception being s2 when I hit master (and was about 100 points away from grandmaster at one point thanks to a lucky streak!) and rank 1 in preseason. I'd say I probably belong around high diamond right now..

I'm not saying Im a good player by any means, but at least it shows that I have some clue about the basics of this game.


This season I started off placements with getting the same guy in my team 3 matches in a row who purposefully fed the entire game and told us allready in draft "I will feed. You guys lose, unlucky". Then I got a few fair games where we lost for normal reasons. I ended up 4w/6l and got placed in platinum 1 (???).


In high diamond/low masters games I could usually focus on making as few mistakes as possible and things like my own possitioning, rotations and such was usually the deciding factor in a game (as in, I could be focusing on my own plays!),

while in platinum it seems like its a game about who lucks into getting the least trolls and who has the best 'babysitter'.

I'm not really having any fun climbing as it is because I feel like now I have to pay attention to the minimap for 5 people at the same time to make sure nobody does anything stupid, all the while a lot of the time I'll end up getting yelled at by the team because apparently pinging retreat is a bad thing at this rank.


Now obviously I'm sure I can climb out if I put in enough games, but the point is: (TL;DR:) I dont want to spend a month climbing at a 52% winrate in a rank lower than where I'm usually at because I was unlucky in placements.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread