In-Depth maeve balancing ideas

Health: 1900 > 1800

Base Speed: 375 > 400

Dagger damage: 400 > 425 (possibly 450 if necessary)

This puts Mavee back to where she was at launch with better base speed and a smaller health pool. Her mobility helps compensate her smaller health pool, and her higher damage ensures she actually has what she needs to duel an enemy and have a decent chance of actually winning ther fight.



Speed bonus: 50% > 65% Duration: 4 seconds to 5 seconds Right now Prowls Speed bonus is pitiful, and doesn't justify a 12 second cooldown at all. Koga has the exact same ability on a 5 second cooldown and can shoot whilst he's Prowling, yet Maeve has to deal with a 12 second cooldown with no ability to shoot whilst moving. How is that remotely fair? Even when you consider Koga does have all his abilities tied to a single resource, I don't see it as fair to Maeve that Koga gets a carbon copy of her ability but with the ability to shoot and move.

Especially since Koga's energy starts replenishing whilst he's Prowling, yet Maeve's doesn't go on cooldown until after the ability ends. Its also worth noting how loud this ability is, enemies with easily hear you when you use it. So with all that being said, giving her a bigger speed boost seems fair given the cooldown, how this ability is telegraphed what with it being loud as heck, and doesn't let Maeve attack during it. This will allow players to hopefully invest in other cards, because if you want this ability to be even remotely useful, you need cards like Chase.


Damage: 400 > 500 Cooldown: 10 seconds > 9 seconds Pounce has been nerfed so hard. It lost distance, damage, and got an increased cooldown. This ability was seriously over-nerfed, so buffing it by giving it back some damage allows it to be more effective as a damage tool to be used in tandem with Maeve's knives, and not just as a mobility tool which its used for right now. Bringing down the cooldown means Maeve can have it up a little more often.

Nine Lives:

Healing: 400 > 500 Hi-Rez said they wanted Maeve's survivability to be like what she had at launch, yet she had 500 healing and they only gave her 400 instead. And its on a 20 second cooldown, which is just ridiculous. Since her health pool is getting reduced, giving her back the full 500 seems fair.

Ultimate: Midnight

Change it so its not countered by resilience anymore. Honestly the fact even Maeve's ultimate got nerfed is stupid. It doesn't apply any CC, it applies a debuff which aren't countered by resilience.. So why the heck Resilience affects it is beyond me. Anyways, undo this nerd and change it back. Maeve's ultimate has a very long wind-up, can be ended early by killing her, and doesn't do damage, hold enemies in place, buff Maeve or anything like that and lasts 4 seconds. Its fair that it gets to last the full 4 seconds if Maeve can cast it successfully.


Street Justice:

Replace it with something else. Cat Burglar:

Its fine, no changes needed. Rogues Gambit:

Replace the 10% bonus damage with a third jump. Street Justice is such a poorly concieved talent. Giving a character the ability to execute enemies on a basic ability is ridiculous. Executions should be reserved for ultimates. Replace this ability with something that actually makes sense. Perhaps a talent benefiting Nine Lives since its the only ability without one.

Cat Burglar is OK in my opinion, it lets you amp up the damage, and with the Prowl buffs suggested above, it makes it easier for Maeve to rapidly rush down her target and dish out the pain.

Rogues Gambit's change is based in the fact its become basically the go-to talent for anyone wanting to play Maeve in a more mobile way. With that in mind, swapping the 10% Pounce damage buff with a third jump makes alot of sense since it grants Maeve more mobility. And its just fun to use.


Maeve has a couple of bugs that hold her back. Fixing these should be a priority to help make Maeve a better champion.

Nine Lives:

Sometimes this ability will not activate. It just does the animation but neither resets abilities or goes on cooldown itself. I think this often tends to happen whenever you use Nine Lives right after Pouncing. So fix this and Maeve will be better off for it. Pounce:

Stop this ability leaving your hitbox behind. Its annoying as hell being shot dead by something that never actually hit you. This probably is less of a bug and more a technicaly concerning lag and ping, yet Hi-Rez seemed to be able to make some improvements to Evie to make it possible to play her on higher ping. I dunno if they worked or not, but if they did, they should really optimizing Maeve in a similar way so people with higher ping can still play her without fear of being shot despite being out of sight.

Umm, no thanks.

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