Incarcerated Pennsylvanians now have to pay $150 to read. We should all be outraged.

I got into an argument with my friend who works for Newsday, my local paper, largely because of this.

It's a paper that mostly runs Associated Press articles, a small amount of local sports reporting, and an anti-Trump Op-Ed page. It came up in conversation that I cancelled my subscription the last time they increased rates and she lost her shit on me. I tried explaining to her that the paper runs the exact same AP articles Yahoo News posts for free and I already watch the local sports teams I care about so it's not really necessary to pay for recaps of the games that I could also get from Yahoo Sports for free.

She completely lost her shit on me and insisted it was people like me who are destroying the newspaper industry. I asked her if she's considered that they just put out a shitty product and that didn't help the conversation any. But, I mean, they publish the exact same Associated Press articles that I can read elsewhere for free. Why should I pay a premium price for that?

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