Inconclusive ADHD diagnosis

Sorry I may not have been very clear, but the reason why my parents were not allowed to be interviewed was that I grew up in an abusive family situation that is still volatile to this day. I wasn’t gonna let them get involved bc the last time ADHD was brought up (by my gr9 counsellor), I was physically cornered and told that my teachers were making things up and that I was stupid etc. Also, this is less relevant, but they also don’t speak much English. If they weren’t abusive, I would’ve let him interview them but I was not willing to undergo that level of abuse again. I have no siblings and no extended family living in Canada. Just me and my parents.

He asked me for a friend to fill out a form about my symptoms, but because the earlier friends who I still have contact with were all from grade 7 (age 11/12) which is the borderline cutoff for childhood ADHD, he ignored them.

As for report cards, I only had 3 that I was able to find bc my family moved often, so I lost most of them. I don’t know what the other report cards said. My report card comments did mention lack of focus and disorganization, but he literally skipped over them (he read them out loud at me and literally skipped over them). My middle school and high school ones (ages 12 to 17) were all electronic so I had copies of them all and have lots of commentary about those sorts of symptoms but he didn’t bother even looking at them. He just read comments for classes like band where literally it’s just comments on my musical ability and ignored every other class. Band was the first class that was listed because of the course code alphabetical order and he read that one and then said nope. He didn’t even bother looking at the rest of the page. Then he just looked at the grades, saw that I had 90s in band (which I took all through school so it was listed at the top of each report card) and concluded that I wasn’t affected in high school. If he had actually taken the time to look at the report cards and then told me inconclusive, I wouldn’t be so frustrated tbh. But it’s the fact he didn’t even bother looking.

Afterwards he told me you seem like you have ADHD or at least something that affects you in terms of executive function and learning but I don’t know what to do because of your lack of childhood proof. But I don’t know how to get that childhood proof without involving my abusive parents that I don’t talk to anymore...

/r/ADHD Thread Parent