It is incredibly annoying when women get angry at men they lead on...

She argued that she "didn't want to be mean" or "hurt his feelings"

This is really common I've noticed. Women abhor confrontation and don't like to make people mad or make them feel bad.

They have no problem doing all manner of immoral crap as long as they think nobody who cares will find out, however.

I had an exgf argue to me once that her sexual messages to a guy friend wouldn't have affected our relationship if I didn't know about them, so she offered to try harder to keep them secret if I would stay with her. I was so stunned by her degeneracy that I just turned and walked out, leaving her to cry after me.

Society has done too good of a job teaching women to maintain appearances at any cost, and not nearly a good enough job of teaching women about internal self-motivated morality.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread