India Has Planted Nearly 50 Million Trees In 24 Hours

How did you get from this ...

That causes them to clear rainforest for use as farmland.

To this?

population must be controlled, which opens legal and ethical issues without

If the problem is how much space farmland takes up, just use less farm land?

How about not growing feed crops, to feed to animals, then to feed to humans?

We could just eat what the land grows and eliminate a step.

It would reduce energy usage, land usage, water usage, green house gas emissions, pollution, lead to people being healthier, living longer lives and reducing unnecessary animal suffering.

At some point everyone is going to need to wake up to the fact that the Meat and Dairy lobbies don't give a shit about your health. These are very old, very conservative, billion dollar industries that have successfully lobbied to make it illegal to even show what normal day-to-day operations look like.

Think on that. What other industries exist where ... filming normal business activities can be a labeled a terrorist activity?

I get it. Bacon tastes good. Meat tastes good.

Enjoying something doesn't justify doing it.

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