Indian, gay, looking to work/settle in Germany. How is the dating scene?

I am a straight woman but I want to point one thing out to you: Germany is full of people and they come in all shapes and colours. There are really tall women and men and really short ones. There are really skinny ones and also people on the heavy side. Plenty of people with underdeveloped muscles and a "Wohlstandsbäuchlein". The vast majority of them can be in a relationship of some sort if they choose so. Of course there are singles who have trouble "finding someone" but in the very most cases the reason for them being single is not their skin colour or their weight or how much of a tummy they have.

As I said, I am straight, but I find it hard to believe that for gays it is not the same as for the rest of the people. I have met more gay "Normalos" (aka not supermodels or people stepping out of calenders) than any extremely well dressed, tall and abs showing gays.

As others have said: pdoa is in most places not much of a thing in general, but hand holding and kisses as a greeting are normal and nobody will consider it weird.

You might want to read up on how socializing in Germany in general works, as that will be maybe your bigger obstacle.

/r/germany Thread