India's government has asked YouTube to remove all links to a controversial documentary about the gang rape and murder of a woman in Delhi after banning its broadcast.

is about being unapologetic for the attitudes that rapists display

Ah, that fallacy. If you point out that things like cat calling and GTA video games have no relevance to any perceived rape culture even if that rape culture actually existed, you are clearly just supporting that rape culture.

No. That's circular logic. Which is when feminists present their "examples" of their claimed rape culture, they end up with ridiculous videos like '10 Hours Walking' that show the exact opposite of what they are claiming is prevalent.

The Main objection I have to Anti-Racists and similar folk is they don't seem to understand is that black people can be scary. You don't need to be a mugger. There's enough muggers out there that if you make a racist comment, or catch a white person by themselves, they can reasonably believe you may wish to mug them.

Strange how your sexism sounds bad when you apply it to other unfounded bigotry.

Yes, it's clearly MRA's that have the issue. Why don't MRA's just "understand" that feminists irrationally apply a disgusting sexist stereotype to an extreme minority of the population and then blame men and MRA's both for hysteria that only Fox News and feminists are claiming is happening.

or any of these other popular-to-hate feminists

More circular reasoning. Trying to dismiss at every turn the sheer ignorant absurdity of these people and all the arguments countering or flat out refuting them with "oh you're just hating on them because they are popular" is exactly the issue.

You're no different than those who encouraged black crime hysteria of the 80's and 90's when that crime was drastically dropping. That you actually blamed people who are fighting to fix legal inequality for men on the scary male rapist hysteria that is almost exclusively pushed by feminists should be making you understand what the actual issue is here.

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