The Indieheads 2000's Essential Ballot + Runoff Voting

Nobody on 4chan is "serious" either. Yet they invented President Trump and pizzagate. Their "jokes" are not exactly funny. The fact you post trash ass shit in a trashy sub doesn't make it not trash. Also, pizzagate, sick as it was, was a hell of a lot funnier than your boring ass "Moonlight is overrated" post.

The idea that Moonlight might be slightly overrated is not necessarily total bullshit. Almost nobody who upvoted that post was doing so as a joke, and you didn't create that post as a joke. You probably feel it is overrated, and you're embarrassed to share that opinion in a "serious" sub, because you're afraid it reveals either your lack of cinematic sophistication (probably!), or your problematic racial/sexual views (likewise).

Fine. My lack of respect for you derives from your cowardice. If you truly believe Moonlight is overrated, yet nonetheless, exponentially better than La La, I actually share that opinion. But if I believed Moonlight was better than its main competitor (I do believe this) and better than every other BP nominee in its year (not sure I believe this, but it's at least one of the two best with Arrival), then I would not create a thread saying it was overrated. Overrated in relation to what? clearly, not in relation to its competitor movies. Or I would at least not do that during Oscar season (maybe now is a time to say that about Moonlight, when La La is no longer a thing), or I would at least delete my thread if I noticed it was getting very popular, from being upvoted seriously by Moonlight haters.

Your approach to reddit is very socially destructive, promoting shitty views you personally even disagree with just for karma, so I find it funny you object to my honest approach to posts here.

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