Indirect Method

Here is the class from Raduga himself. Since you don't know the method, I suggest starting from beginning. However the details start at 40 minutes. Review that video as many times as needed. He gives tips and suggestions. Its very informative! (Part 2 reviews attempts from students a day later after Part 1. Helpful for some mistakes, etc.)

Steps: 1. Set an alarm to wake after sleeping 5-6 hrs. Any other alarms are for when you need to start the day for sure. 2. Go to sleep. 3. WBTB for a few minutes. Review your plan of action. Go back to sleep with a mantra to remind yourself that on your next awakenings you will remain still with eyes closed and try the method. 3. (On next awakening, body still, eyes closed) Try to see yourself at the mirror for maybe a minute. (See video - this is a first goal of the class.) 4. If 3 doesn't work, attempt separation by Levitation, Standing, or rolling out of bed. This is a quick attempt as well. No physical movement, just try to leave body. 5. Exit Cycles: Perform 4 cycles of (about 3 techniques of your choice). These are non-physical techniques. Suggestions include: - roll out of bed - visualize rubbing your hands together - swimming - "deepening" which is imagining yourself in your room walking around touching everything. - others: phantom wiggling (like FILD technique), rope climbing, listening for sounds, looking for images. - if anything starts working, keep doing it! 6. Nothing works after 4 cycles? Go back to bed with intention to try same thing next awakening.

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