Indonesian millennials lean towards xenophobia

A phobia is an "unreasonable" fear of something.

But xenophobia isn't. There is no notion of "reasonable or unreasonable" in the definition of the word, just look it up.

You can be protective of your culture and not be unreasonably afraid of other cultures.

And it is still would be xenophobia. It is YOU who associate xenophobia with with all this, it's your opinion, not a fact.

I don't have a phobia of someone breaking into and robbing my home, but I'd certainly like to prevent it, and it would make me very upset if it happened.

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything.

That fits the definition of xenophobia.

that foreign workers are detrimental to the economy, apparently in the widely-held belief that they are poaching local jobs. and it is in the article.

You seeing an agenda in the use of the word xenophobia is completely irrelevant to the fact that the word was correctly used in the context of the article.

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