Infinite Warfare Zombies Bug Reports | Post-DLC1


The bug I'm experiencing is being able to have two of the same bow equipped. The bow duplicated does not have any ammo and cannot be shot with initially. But after a max ammo pickup, you are able to fire only uncharged shots. The two videos show this.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Received a Perkaholic from the Pyramid Room GG Machine

  2. Build the storm bow as usual and equip it.

  3. Shoot the Circle at the Clock Tower (a step for the plungers) and stick the Ragnarok DG-4s as a trap in front of the hole.

  4. Stop and start the clock about 3 times, not sure.

  5. Equip the Self-Medication GG

  6. Swap the Storm Bow for the Wrath of the Ancients

  7. Shoot the five prongs on the Pyramid Room teleporter, to the launching pad

  8. Pick up the Storm Bow

  9. Shoot with a fully charged shot with the Storm Bow at the sparking radio in the Church (a step in the easter egg).

  10. Fail this step. As you can see in the videos, there is a loud buzzer noise to indicate the step has failed, and later a growling of some sort.

  11. Go down with the Self-Medication GG still active, and the bow in your hands.

  12. Kill a zombie whilst down to be revived. In the first video I shot a zombie with the Ray Gun (upgraded), and a dog in the second.

  13. Scroll through the weapons and the glitched bow will be equipped.

  14. Pick up a max ammo (got mine from the tram) and you will be able to fire only uncharged shots from the glitched bow. Fully charged shots disappear.


First Video, before max ammo -

Second Video, after max ammo -


PC: GTX 950, 8GB RAM, Windows 10,

/r/CODZombies Thread