Infinity Ward, can we please remove or at the very least tone down the skill based matchmaking?

If by TF2 you mean Titanfall 2, then no, there's no SBMM. To me though, In a game like TF2, it is necessary, simply because of the advanced movement and skill gap. One of the reasons people don't play is because they constantly get destroyed by God tier players, which isn't fun and I think just light SBMM would help solve this issue.

For MW though, I apologize if I offend anyone, but the skill gap really isn't there to warrant SBMM. For the most part, the things that boost your K/D aren't that skillful (I'm not trying to say it takes no skill, just not enough THAT SBMM is needed). For example, using the best weapon or tactic (which most people refuse to use for it being boring) or just being super focused are really what get you to the top. So SBMM is kinda irrelevant. Like others have said, all they want to do is relax and not sweat every game and I agree.

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