INFJ's and common enneagrams.

Oh hi. Enneagram is a scale of your development. If you take an Enneagram test it will make more sense. I found it helped me so much to know my Enneagram really. Between that and my Ni it all came together; every little thing. I definitely recommend finding out yours and what it means to you. I’ll get back to send you a video of a guy is knowledgeable. It’s an Enneagram 5 video though and he’s not very fond of 5s lmao..which is what I am but I do trust his knowledge and he does lectures on all the Enneagram types. If you did happen to be a 5 though I have another video that I saved on Enneagram 5 but the speaker is also an INFJ 5 so it’s perfect and I don’t think he’s disgusted with 5s lol.

/r/infj Thread