
Inflation might seem like a bad thing because that's what people are taught in economics class or something, but for the game, it actually is a good thing and represents how many people are playing. The more people that play, the more silver gets generated through every part of the game.

We as players don't need to worry about inflation as it doesn't affect our playstyles if we are actively playing. Those who have stopped or don't play as much will see that their existing silver amount will be worth less, but they aren't really the players the game should cater to. As the game gets stale and loses popularity, the market prices for items used will drop again. Inflation is not something average players will need to worry about, except those who have billions saved up for no reason, and even then, it's mostly temporary.

It may hurt sbi if there is a huge increase in the value of gold, if it happens, which I doubt it will, but if it happens, don't forget this game is a controlled market. Don't be afraid of adding more activities to the game to make it more popular under the fear of inflation. Especially when the market can be manipulated and controlled.

/r/albiononline Thread