[INFO] Ascension logs are 50 times the size of normal logs

I checked the files and learned about what seems to be my first death in league of legends.

000496.500| 1047156.0968kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| The Killer was: Sbire

000496.500| 1047156.0968kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| HEALS

000496.500| 1047156.0968kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| DAMAGE

000496.500| 1047156.0968kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Tour applied amount 666.852 with abilities [_BasicAttack|amount:666.852|priority:666][TurretDamageMarker|amount:0|priority:0]

000496.500| 1047156.0968kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sbire applied amount 121.977 with abilities [_BasicAttack|amount:121.977|priority:121]

Then the tragedy happened

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| -440.0000kb added| ALWAYS| The Killer was: Bot Annie

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| HEALS

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Ellyahh applied amount 195 with abilities [SummonerHeal|amount:195|priority:193][game_item_displayname_3070|amount:0|priority:0][Recall|amount:0|priority:0][game_item_displayname_1039|amount:0|priority:0]

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Bot Shen applied amount 0 with abilities [ShenVorpalStar|amount:0|priority:0]

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| DAMAGE

001253.769| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Bot Annie applied amount 373.077 with abilities [InfernalGuardian|amount:258.462|priority:159][Incinerate|amount:114.615|priority:114]

001253.770| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Tour applied amount 294.08 with abilities [_BasicAttack|amount:294.08|priority:294]

001253.770| 1092412.0032kb| 0.0000kb added| ALWAYS| Sbire applied amount 213.604 with abilities [_BasicAttack|amount:213.604|priority:213]

/r/leagueoflegends Thread