Saying "just get a better job" or "just move somewhere cheaper" on this sub should merit an instant ban

So then you need to make (at least a little) more money. This is where the other part would be legitimate advice. Maybe it’s not the career move of a lifetime, but it’s a means to and end.

You’re telling me you’re only capable of doing a menial minimum wage job? Especially today, filter LinkedIn by “Remote” and apply away at any CS/Call Center type work and do that for like 6 months.

Ok, “I work 60 hours a week, I can’t get a second job” well, if the extra 20 hours is making you minimum wage, those hours would be better suited doing ya know, anything else. Mow lawns, wait tables at a nice place where 20% on a check is 10’s of bucks, detail some cars.

If a legitimate adult cannot problem solve saving, what.. $5k? (my wife and I moved twice within 8 months. Sold our house, in elsewhere, into our next house a city over for what was probably well under $1k) then this says a lot more about the “adult” than “society”.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent