Saying something to a underweight girl out of concern can be jusy as harmful as saying it to an overweight girl.

So I’ve always been very slightly overweight. Not technically but my stomach isn’t flat. Then I got super sick and dropped 40 pounds in two months. Everyone was congratulating me and saying I looked so much better. It hurt because I knew that once I got better, I’d faint the weight back. People also gave me shit about being too thin. It was because I was sick first of all. And second, I always thought that once I was thin, no one could make me feel bad about my body because I wasn’t “fat” anymore. It wasn’t true. I felt like I looked like a 12 year old boy because that’s what people said. I realized quickly that people will always say things to bring me down and unless I own my body, I’ll never be happy with it. Words always hurt. No matter which side you’re talking your shit from.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread