I inherited money, am I stuck with the broker who handles it now?

I would definitely seek outside advice. However, I have worked with families when the parents have passed away that come in and think the same thing you are asking in this sub. They think things should have been managed differently and that is because they are thinking about how THEY would have managed it based on their own goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. This is wrong.

The accounts are managed based upon the PARENTS goals, time horizon and risk tolerance and should take into consideration retirement needs and legacy goals which tend to have different time frames. And sometimes the PARENTS own biases or irrational thinking that affect how the account is managed (e.g. way more cash or stocks the advised).

I would seek advice from a CFP. Registered Investment Advisor (RIAs) are good but be aware that 'some' tend think in only one or two investment philosophy (e.g. we believe you should time the market or you should own alternative investments, etc). Another solution is to work in a CFP at one of the big investment firms, Schwab, Vanguard (over the phone) or Fidelity. They have access to hundreds of investment philosophies and can do the planning for you.

/r/personalfinance Thread