Insane Heist Pushing Team

I randomly matched with these awesome players and it turns out this is an S-tier combo for this Heist map and possibly others too.

The team is Dynamike, Carl, and Nita and Nita with Hyper Bear star power is key here. The DPS of that thing is insane and if you are in the Pit Stop Heist map or probably any other Heist map with a barrier around the safe the bear will deal a lot of damage as long as you keep enemies pushed away from the safe barrier.

The levels of “aggro-ness” should go from Nita, Carl, then Dynamike. Nita is your main pusher, make sure she charges up her super to throw the bear. Carl is your somewhat tanky medium-damage pusher who should chip away enemy health. Dynamike, who I was playing, is basically your airstrikes and he should have pinpoint accuracy to kill enemies and then deal damage to safe by staying safely outside of the safe wall and throw supers there.

I accumulated over 50 trophies last night and there are a few more hours on the Pit Stop map if anyone wants to try this.

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