Insecure about being poor

I come from a very blue-collar family personally. I was the first in my family to graduate college on both my mom and my dad side. I make more money now then I think almost every person in my family both immediate and extended maybe two other people might make more. My boyfriend is a VP of a very large worldwide company. He lives in one of the best cities in the state and walking into his parents house I have never seen a more gorgeous home in my entire life. My parents filed for Bankruptcy on multiple occasions. I have been responsible for my own personal things clothing wise and everything else since I was 14 years old. I tell you about my history and past because even though I have gotten past all of that stuff and I am in a better financial position today than I was growing up I still feel incredibly uncomfortable being around him and his friends. I thought like when we first started dating I put him on a pedestal almost. But he adores me because I have a work ethic and I constantly want to better myself. People who care about you will not judge you as long as you are working and doing some thing that you enjoy or just doing what you need to do to support yourself. My ex-husband was a trust fund baby who refused to work. Be open about your concerns with the girl but tell her that you want to be with her and ask her what she needs from you. See if you can do those things. You never know where you will be tomorrow and what opportunities you’ll be given. I’m still learning about myself and trying not to put his family or friends on a pedestal because of where they come from. I have been told that they adore me because I have worked so hard to get where I am today as that is not very common I guess

/r/datingoverthirty Thread