Insecure to Go Back to Training Cuz I'm Fat

I’m a lifer, been rolling 25/40 years of my life. I’ve taken a 4 year break and a 1 year break. I was already a black belt for a few years before the 4 year layoff, so its different, but the insecurity, shame, guilt, and excess weight go away fast. My training partners said at a few months in it was like a light went off and I had Totall Recall. More importantly, other life problems took a backseat, I just didn’t care. As long as I got to train, I was okay. And that’s what I had to learn.

Life can get complicated, but always remember that jiu jitsu will give you back 200% of the energy and self-confrontation you invest. There’s nowhere to hide on the mat, leave your pride at the door and go improve yourself. No excuses, no guilt, no shame, no hindsight. Only dedication and competition against your own weakness.

/r/bjj Thread