Inside a Macbook Air minus the batteries..

Ffmpeg. For porn. On Solaris 10. Raise your hand if you have any idea how goofy that sounds.

What Ruby c-ext were you thinking it was a good idea to cp between different Linux boxes? Or wait. Let me guess. You're a "system engineer" whose job it is to install Ruby Gems and you had to write a custom Rake task to re-route the encryptions and overload the mainframe. But Bundler wasn't having it so you had to go "hard core" and run extconf manually, then hand tweaking your Gemfile.lock to get it to use your vendored version. After the mighty battle you could finally use the obsolete version of Nokogiri you had in your Gemspec and the page scraper was back online.

The office ladies swooned at the sight of your sweaty brow, and sighed as you recited, with great portend, MINSWAN. So say we all.

I might know a thing or two about Ruby. I doubt you'd know a lambda from a Proc if it performed a non local jump though. (No, it's not even funny to an actual Rubyist, but you wouldn't know that!)

But seriously. You talk about binary compat, disregarding that Ruby gems aren't going to be creating nice little statically linked bundles for you and you expect me to believe you have any idea what you're talking about?

I've set up PF firewalls with automatic VIP failover. I've suffered with Sun Storage systems. I've built FreeBSD NFS servers using ZFS. I was an early adopter of SmartOS (KVM+CrossFire+ZFS). I've deployed to Rackspace, AWS, SoftLayer, you name it. I've set up Xen hypervisors, every shitty version of restructure-etc-every-year-just-because (AKA Ubuntu), headless VirtualBox servers, NGinx (before it was cool of course), hA-Proxy, Varnish and everything in between.

I've forgotten more about the differences between BSD, SysV and GNU than most people will probably ever know (spoiler: don't bother, it'll just hollow out your soul), and I'm telling you: If you choose to use Windows systems to manage OSS based systems not only are you an aberration, you're a masochist.

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