Inside a "NO GO ZONE" In Malmo, SWEDEN (2017)

I work for a Swedish company, so I talk a lot to Swedes and expat colleagues in Sweden. As far as I can tell Sweden absolutely has a problem with the immigrants: it's by far the hot button topic that always come up, be it about which subway stops to avoid when we're in Stockholm or whatever. The immigration is not an acute though, and the "no-go" areas are still nicer that Eastern European neighborhoods I and my acquaintances grew up in 90ies. It's just kinda baffling that Sweden has allowed the regression from "really quite nice" to "eh I can mostly put up with this" in this area of life.

So yeah, Sweden does have this problem. What does annoy me though is that right wing hacks such as this channel EXPLOIT Sweden's dumb approach in this matter for their own, pro-corporate ends. Like, does anyone actually believe Donald Trump actually gives a flying fuck about people in areas such as these and their immigration problems?? All these immigration issues for them are just a vehicle, a bandwagon to exploit in order to smear independent press, and thereby accountability of their own actions, and thereby democracy itself. Being anti-immigration is just a popular (populist) thing to do to win support. What they really want is corporate fascism.

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