Inspired by a recent post: Which mystery(s) do you find to be the most creepy and unsettling?

Misskelley also seemed to damn himself with the whiskey remarks. His confessions were taken more seriously after that, even by his own attorney.

He claimed to have had a bottle of Evans Williams whiskey with him at the crime scene, & when he left the scene (leaving Baldwin & Echols behind) he threw the bottle over an overpass.

His attorney said words to the effect of "I'll believe him when the bottle's found."

The smashed Evan Williams bottle was found just where Misskelley suggested it would be.

The confession:

TIDHAM: Okay. What did you do with the whiskey bottle?

MISSKELLEY: Well, after I'd done seen what Jason did to - I don't know which boy it was - but he cut his penis and everything, and I was still mad and I still had whiskey in my bottle. I walked down the street drinking whiskey, and all of a sudden I just busted it.

STIDHAM: Where'd you bust it at?

MISSKELLEY: On the overpass.

The discovery:

At that point we got in our vehicles, and one of the things to corroborate his client’s statement was to determine if there was an Evan Williams whiskey bottle under an overpass in West Memphis.

To quote Mr. Stidham, I believe at that time, “If we can find a bottle like he says, then that will convince me that it happened.” At 9:30 or 10:00 at night we drive — ten o’clock in the evening — we proceed, the four of us, to roam underneath the overpasses of West Memphis and lo and behold find a broken bottle in the location indicated by his client.

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