Inspired by a TF2 shitpost I saw

Dude you're delusional. I play both survivor and killer, and I will gladly take DS and Unbreakable. Why?

Because unfortunately, killers started to metagame DS. Instead of not tunneling like a normal player, killers will down survivors, and just wait it out. Fuck that.

They prey on the altruism of the other survivors, because as long as I'm down and potentially able to be saved as they slug, survivors will halt gen progress to get closer to me.

So their tunneling tactics work even though they're not actively pressuring gens. So I take Unbreakable too now to counter any stupid tunneling bullshit they want. There's also a severe lack of good survivor perks.

Half the good survivor perks are all exhaustion perks, and you're only taking one of those, so you're pretty limited on what you can take after that.

Killers in this game are seriously the biggest fucking babies in all of gaming. All the do is bitch and bitch and bitch about survivor perks. SURVIVORS HAVE LIKE 5 GOOD PERKS DUDE.

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