Instagirl abuses dog on her story for attention “she likes to make people mad”

My ex found my min pin/pom annoying just because she "wasn't a real dog" ("Yappy little rat dog" he said, even though she wasn't especially vocal). She jumped up on the couch once (my couch I bought with my fucking money and she was allowed to sit on my lap, she jumped on it to get to my lap).

He smacked her off of the couch, she hit her head on the floor and dislocated her jaw (her screams were absolutely heartbreaking). I broke up with him on the spot, I was just absolutely fuming. I did end up getting back together with him, huge mistake (but he never touched either of my dogs again).

All of that and guess which little dog learned absolutely nothing about not jumping on the couch, but learned my ex was a pos?

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