So Instagram just removed the new tab when you search a hashtag. How the heck am I supposed to grow my art account now?

The new drawings still appear eh, they're just mixed with the more popular stuff.

The problem is that it doesn't stay up for very long, and very few new posts are shown. There's no way to know if your post will even be one of the few that gets shown.

And I'm pretty sure people don't discover new artists by searching a hashtag and looking at new stuff.

I've found a lot of artists that I love that way. I'm sure at least some of my followers (if not many) found me in the same way.

If you use the rights # it'll appear on people's discover page or if they're subscribed to the said #.

Sure, but it's limiting how many people will see it. And now I can't use it to look for small pages to interact with in hopes of getting new followers.

And if your only goal is to get popular and are ready to delete your account because of something so stupid as this, you better delete it now. Don't make art for other people or for social media, just enjoy what you're doing and do what you enjoy and want to tell, and share it if you want. If building a fanbase is your only goal as an artist, excuse me but imo, that sounds really shallow.

Are you serious? I make art so people will see it. I don't make masturbatory art that's only for me to look at. That's ridiculous. If Instagram isn't a productive place for me to reach new people with my art, then why would I waste time on it? I hate social media. I'm only doing this because I don't know how to get my art out there online otherwise. Sure, I've had my art in shows and it's been seen that way, but how am I supposed to share the stuff that's not show worthy?

I don't make art with the goal of getting likes. I make what I want too. I don't stoop to doing fan art, just because it's popular. I don't limit myself to one style or medium, even though it's much easier to gain followers if you do. But I'd still like people to see what I've made. And even if people do make art for other people, that's not shallow that's their choice. Art is fundamentally a form of communication. If no one sees it, you're effectively screaming into the void.

And down the line, I'd like to sell my art more frequently. Having a social media presence and following is a good way to do that. Is there something wrong with selling my art? Is there something wrong with using a social media platform to sell my art?

I'm not going to quit because they removed one feature. But I will quit if the effect of removing that one feature is my page completely stagnating at under 100 followers. Numbers aren't everything to me. But if I get nothing back from posting, it's a complete waste of time and I'll just quit and use that time on another platform or making more art.

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