Instagram Refuses to Remove ‘Black Art’ Image Showing Severed Heads of White People “People may express themselves differently.”

Goddamn it's shitty to be a minority in the US because everyone assumes every fucking thing about you. People think that they're helping because of posting "woke" content and they, ironically, think that every single fucking stereotype suits me. Fuck that! No! I don't support fucking black lives matter, HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT IT'S A POLITICAL TOOL? These are the same people that treat me like a fucking retard because they believe we're not normal, functional human beings; they always think we're in need of their help. I don't need any billionaire pedophile celebrities saying that they're lovely people because they don't shit on people of color as much as they do on poor people. This shit is an insult to our fucking intelligence. Why do people feel the need to fucking do this shit?! Sorry for all the swear words, I'm just tired of "woke" people and their never-ending pile of fresh excrement. Like wtf? I don't give a shit if someone is white or black, in fact, I don't see my white friends as white, or my black friends as black. I just see them as fucking friends. When people say that a CEO or something SHOULD be black it just fucking makes me cringe. They think they're changing the whole fucking world. BUT THEY'RE PLAYING THE ENTIRE GLOBALIST AGENDA. Fuck that

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