Instead of remaking "The Princess Bride", why not explore the universe before it?

We call those prequels. I don't know why the fuck everything has to be a uNIvERse after the MCU. And no, prequels suck.

Here's how these things get made: A Hollywood hack writer sits down and studies the original movie very intently and takes careful notes about bullshit that no one actually ever cares about. They proceed to write something into the prequel script about why that thing came to be.

"Gee whiz, I sure would like to know where Han Solo's blaster came from!" - said no one ever.

"Ooo ooo, I know! Fred Savage could make a guest appearance as a side pirate as a respectful nod to the original!"

"Did you guys see the Commodore 64 in the background in that one scene! Mmmmmm ahhh. Member berries."

"Watch Mojo: Top Ten things you Missed in the Dread Pirate Roberts Trailer."

/r/movies Thread