I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!

The reason these people want to come home is that they know they will face repercussions for their criminal and immoral allegiance in Syria, if not from the government than from the locals who suffered under ISIS rule. They know that their home countries will be more civil and wish to return.

No doubt these men and women who left their home countries to join ISIS believed they would eventually be elevated in life and in death. However, that did not happen for any of them because war is brutal and ISIS became a losing cause.

The individual problem with Hoda Muthana is a lot stronger than people assume on the surface. She left as an adult and smuggled herself into ISIS territory. She participated in online attacks against the United States. She only left when it became clear ISIS was going to lose, not before.

In her statements to the press she does not appear truly regretful of her actions and even dismissive of the idea of prison. This implies a trial as well. Instead, she thinks she should receive therapy, all but stating she does not believe she did anything wrong. Just because you wish you didn't do an action doesn't mean it's erased - if you committed a crime, you need to pay the consequences.

I'm not necessarily against letting her back, but only on the condition of a trial. The problem is she knows she will likely be found guilty, and she doesn't want it.

She should actually be eager to go to American prison. Far nicer than what might befall her should she face the wrath of those ISIS wrong in Syria.

But that's the rub - she wouldn't have left ISIS if they had won and she had the opportunity... because she still believes in their cause.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - twitter.com