The insurance system is fundamentally broken, and I think it's single-handedly made me quit GTAO permanently.

We hopped out and shot it down, only to find we'd been charged $20,000 for destroying his vehicle in pure self-defense. And of course he was back again in minutes with another Deluxo, completely unpenalized, while we had to either abandon the mission or rack up more insurance charges than the shipment was worth.

Look, don't think I don't agree with your overall message, I do. The insurance system needs fixing, weaponized vehicles should be free to destroy.

But you're putting on a very victim roley show here. "Only to find we'd been charged $20,000", you knew that, right? Surely you know destroying deluxo's cost you 20k? Are you telling me everytime when people blow up my deluxo (often for no reason other than I'm just nearby) they are surprised everytime? It's actually still rather possible to shoot the driver(flier) of a deluxo with a rifle as soon as he tips his nose downward (which he will to be able to hit you with his weapons). I still believe the deluxo is overpowering to a guy on foot but at the same time someone on foot can shoot the driver pretty fast too if they know what they're doing.

/r/gtaonline Thread