Interesting Salvia Trip Report [14:40]

You've answered your own question here. It's clear from your writing that you still have attachment to your ambitions, passions, and responsibilities. The hindu's say there are 4 stages before enlightenment. You sound like you're still in the second. Therefore, I wouldn't recommend salvia.

In regards to "psychosis" from shrooms and weed. I'd be wary of what a shrink has to say about it. Not only is that area of research mostly corrupted by greed, it's also in an infantile stage when it comes to understanding the complex interactions between psychedelics and the brain. We haven't even understood the mechanics of the sober brain yet, and neuropsychedelia is a whole other frontier in and of itself.

A lot of spiritual people have been suffering and will continue to suffer because of this. This suffering, to an experientially ignorant outside observer, makes it appear as if it's a mental health issue. The truth is, those with entheogen-induced mental issues were raised in a materialist paradigm, and the power of this awakening experience destroyed that. Without a person who is experienced with the “other” guiding this type of individual through these issues, the effected person ends up scared, desperate, and confused. To the outsider perspective of a materialist, this is a broken person who, instead of being guided with sacred wisdom and ancient strategies devised strictly for this purpose (which can sometimes take up to 5-7 years), should be instantly "fixed" with pills.

Mainstream approaches to what is considered "psychosis" comes from outdated scaffolding that arose in a time of fundamentalist Christian fear and repression around the middle of the last century. 50 years prior to that we were still strapping people with syphilis induced madness to chairs, spinning them around at high speeds to calm them down, and calling their dizziness and shock collar response an effective treatment. In the same way, this crusty old societal entity sees an issue, and treats the symptoms. Not the cause. Especially when that cause is an age old existential confrontation.

However, if you truly feel you are a danger to yourself or others, I would wholeheartedly recommend their treatment. Normality is better than the true psychosis which involves those thoughts.

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