Interesting thread about predictions for the 2017-18 season... from nearly 5 years ago.

watching their shadows get larger in the direction of sunrise or sunset geometrically

Possible on a flat or curved surface.

picture of a spherical earth isn't the same thing as religion.

Show me a picture OF THE ENTIRE EARTH that is not admittedly CGI from the agency it originates.

no, presenting easily debunked "evidence" and treating it as equal to either of those things (or any other million ways to confirm the earth isn't flat, like gravity or planets orbiting the sun) doesn't make what you're doing scientific.

Did you watch the video? You measure the distance between two objects (13.8 miles in the video across water which is "flat"). Measure the amount of curvature using a "scientifically endorsed" formula (, and equate the amount of land that should be "hidden" by the curve (~77 feet in this particular circumstance) and the height of the object being viewed (~95ft in this video).

Explain to me how this is not scientific. THIS IS REAL, OBSERVABLE SCIENCE. Explain to me how something can be visible when YOUR scientific stance states almost the ENTIRE light house in this video should be hidden, yet there it is, practically the entire lighthouse and the surrounding area CLEAR AS DAY. You are anti-science, anti-intellect and ignorant to the possibility that you could be wrong because you've been told your whole life what is right. You are unable to think outside the box you can't even pretend to be open-minded for 10 minutes and watch the video. If you did you would understand that Wikipedia and the article from it you quoted can not brush aside the facts. Science states this lighthouse should be almost entirely invisible, with the exception of the top ~18 feet. Yet you can see the trees at the base of it obscuring your view on the bottom.

/r/nba Thread Parent