Internal Blizzard Memo Encourages Effort To Hire And Retain More Women

You know, the concepts that you are mentioning in your comments are pretty sound. The idea of everyone being given an equal opportunity at a job, be they men or women, is something that I think everyone here can agree upon.

But a key concept to try and understand here is that while equal opportunity and a workplace free from prejudices is an end goal, it is not the means to that end.

Blizzard is making strides to do things such as: planning to partner with Girls Who Code in hopes of increasing womens' interest in the field, and to make their general recruitment efforts reach women just as much as men.

There is no logical basis to be interpreting the notion of companies doing a bit to try and bring women closer to where men are with regards to employment opportunity as a diabolical scheme to place women on top - to only hire women and discriminate against men, as you put it.

I don't think that you are necessarily consciously/maliciously doing this, so it definitely could be worth trying to think critically about why your thoughts are arriving at that sort of conclusion, where are those thoughts coming from, and if they truly makes any sense.

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