I internally oofed in sympathy. Not.

Okay but horses, don’t they break their legs fairly easily? Sure it might take more force, but they also weigh a ton more. A similar tumble will harm a horse more than it will a human. Or you can compare a cat, or an ant to go down in weight. You could probably flick an ant as far as possible and it will survive, assuming you don’t crush it in the flicking process.

So if that similar tumble or fall, just using their own weight, will break a horses legs essentially killing them and only harm a human, then wouldn’t a horse be more fragile?

And yes sure, if a human is running at full speed, tumbles and hits their head right it can kill them, but I’m talking about limbs and the actual likelihood of surviving one being broken. I’ve also heard horses are dumb as hell and usually harm themselves.

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