International dating? Why not?

Work is just one anchor point. Do you have friends/family? You'd no longer be able to see them at will. Do you have a local favorite diner? You'd have to find a new one.

For work one year I relocated to the Sultanate of Oman. About a month in I realized just how much I missed my local favorites like A&W root beer, bacon from my local butcher, etc...

It's not impossible. I've done it before and I'd be open to doing it again. I live in a conservative lake town so everyone here loves Jesus and their dogs and I'm allergic to both, so believe me I'm open to looking elsewhere for love.

But it's an awful lot of effort and it's hard enough to find someone ~locally~ willing to put even 1/5th of the effort that would be required to make a long distance relationship work.

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