International travel?

I haven't been checked yet so I may be really wrong lol, but I do travel a lot and faced the same problem. I have an unencrypted efi partition (obviously), an encrypted boot partition, and 2 other partitions encrypted with Luksv2 containing all of my stuff. What I've done is detach my Luks v2 headers and bundle them into my initramfs inside /boot, so that normally it's impossible to know they're encrypted. But I made my /boot about 10 GB, so before I travel I copy my /boot and leave it on my server at home or (if I'm lazy) give it to my wife on a USB to carry in her luggage, then quickly install something like manjaro onto my /boot. When I'm wherever I'm going, it's really fast to put my initramfs back on and it's like I never did anything.

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