International Women's Day: we congratulate you, dear women! Soviet Union, 1963

Holodomer is how it’s spelled. You’re mistaken.

Since you'd know you are wrong simply by Googling you can only be trolling.

It was legal for like 8 years

Your point wasn't that the USSR legalized it and then Stalin banned it again, your point was that they never had legalized it, or had not legalized it until the 90s way after the US, or other Western countries, when in fact they were possibly the first to do so.

Even today in Russia you can be arrested for spreading “LGBT propaganda” and there is no gay marriage.

Your crocodile tears about the rights of gay people in Russia are about as convincing as right-wing Islamophobes who are so very sincerely concerned about the plight of the Uighurs in China.

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