Internet Access Is Now A Basic Human Right

This title is completely wrong.

For the people who are already commenting here without actually reading the article, the UN resolution is NOT saying that internet access is a human right. It is saying that freedom of speech should be protected online just as it should be offline.

For example, part of the resolution condemns governments who use "measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt access to or dissemination of information online in violation of international human rights law and calls on all States to refrain from and cease such measures."

In other words, they are saying that governments should not be able to shut off internet access to prevent people from criticizing them or from using the internet to expose human rights violations.

Other parts of the resolution mention that governments should not pass laws restricting what citizens are allowed to say online, and that they should not be threatened for criticizing the government on the internet.

Also, this is a non-binding resolution, which is basically the equivalent of a sternly worded letter.

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